meet our founder

mai lyn ngo

Hi, I’m Mai Lyn!

My Why: I do this because I see myself in the people that seek out Fitness Ambassadors. I understand what it feels like to want to belong, to want to do more than just coast through life, and have the desire to be challenged to be the best version of themselves.

I do this because feeling left out sucks.
No one should be left out.
Together, we can make shit happen!

My fitness journey began with what felt like throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something would stick. I felt lost, and very alone. I went from sports, to personal training, to group x—and nothing worked for me until I found a community of people who understood me, who had similar goals and dreams for themselves as I did for myself (and still do). I created Fitness Ambassadors to make this process easier for adults, and so you do not have to do this alone!

I'm a firm believer that we can each make our own community. We don't need to wait for someone else to create it for us—if it doesn't exist, we can make it.

I've been through my fair share of challenges and obstacles in my life, but one thing I've learned is that there is never a shortage of people who want to help you when you're going through something hard. The only thing holding me back was myself—and being able to realize that was the first step in making things better for me.

I've always been interested in fitness and health as a way to improve my quality of life, but it wasn't until recently that I found myself at a crossroads: I needed something more than just working out at the gym or focusing on one particular method of training. I needed something that would help me feel healthy on every level—mind, body, and soul!

It has been my mission to do just that while building FAHQ. I wanted to ensure there was a place for individuals to connect with one another, and provide a health-minded social club not dependent on the party or alcohol scene.

Your social circle is out there, join the movement and build it with Fitness Ambassadors!